Otto Nunnikhoven LL.M (founder/partner CORPTECH) has been a lawyer since 1999. He is specialized in the field of mergers and acquisitions and private equity. He studied law in Utrecht. Otto formerly worked with NautaDutilh in corporate law and intellectual property law and as Counsel at Bird&Bird LLP. He also worked as a senior legal counsel M&A for Getronics NV and KPN NV where he coordinated the divestment of a large part of Getronics’ foreign activities.
Otto combines his corporate/M&A capabilities with specific Life Sciences and Communications sector interest and expertise. He frequently assists and advises technological advanced companies, both in respect of growth financing as well as exits and take-over phases. Otto enjoys drafting and negotiating contracts. Although very driven he always focuses on the client’s interests and the end result.
Marlon Garvelink - van der Maat LL.M (legal consultant) finished her law degree in 1995 (Groningen University, business law) and subsequently worked as a lawyer at Kienhuis Hoving and NautaDutilh (London). In 2008 Marlon was appointed in-house legal counsel at Fortis Private Banking (Singapore). After her return to the Netherlands she has joined CORPTECH Advocatuur as independent legal consultant and frequently assists Otto Nunnikhoven on a range of corporate legal matters including mergers and acquisitions and funding rounds.
Verklaring/declaration ex artikel/article 35b sub 1 Regeling op de advocatuur
Mr. O.M. Nunnikhoven heeft in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten het volgende rechtsgebied geregistreerd: Ondernemingsrecht.
Deze registratie verplicht mr. O.M. Nunnikhoven elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd rechtsgebied.
Mr. O.M. Nunnikhoven has registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice area (rechtsgebiedenregister): Corporate law.
Based on this registration, he/she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.